Monday, January 4, 2010

The Blind Nihilist

The Blind Nihilist
Why do we not love Grey? Grey is soundless, invisible and within the void. It is the perfect tone, the in between, the balance of good and bad. It is harmony. Dont we power ourselves towards perfection? Yet im not blind, I perceive colour. Ahhh, the negation of absolute! Mother nature herself does not want us to be perfect, yet we feel we are closer to perfection everday. We want to be perfect.
Grey becomes the reflection of society, the present and what is in the future. Oh the conundrum, for if we introduce colour, the balance becomes unbalanced and the balance becomes no more. Inviting my friend Nihil! We cannot power ourselves towards not being blind, for colour has destroyed the harmony and thus tragedy will rule until tragedy is not tragic.


  1. I really love this post. deep stuff!

    Do you have twitter...?

  2. Thankyou :D I hope to write more soon.

    No i dont at the moment. However, i will have one soon.

  3. I love this post. And I wholeheartedly agree with your statements.
    Gray is the colour of neutrality. It's the ultimate symbol of 2 opposites co-existing together.
    I love gray.
